How Do I Build My Online Business ? – The only way is UP!

If you are serious about building your own online business, then it must be built from the ground up – much like a house, with bricks and mortar. But to build an online business can be likened to building a sky scraper – it has the potential to earn BIG revenue.  So how do I build my online business? …. Read On…

How Do I Build My Online Business – Build A Sky Scraper!

First of all, you need to build the foundations to ‘hold’ your Sky Scraper (your website) in place. The main crucial part of the foundation is have an effective Domain Name. Your Domain name is effectively your BRAND. Your Domain Name must be catchy but also relevant to your niche.

How Do I Build My Online Business

Pages and Posts Are Your ‘Floors’

When you build your website, think of your basement as your basic pages such as Home Page, Privacy Policy and maybe a couple of other pages. But your Posts / Pages are going to form every floor of your ‘Sky Scraper’ – your website. As you add regular posts that captivate and interest your audience, you are effectively adding floors to your structure. Think about that for a second – the more posts you add, the bigger your website becomes right?

Eventually after dozens of added posts, your Sky Scraper is big and tall, built on a solid foundation. And the bigger your webiste, the more Google will like it. The more Google like it, the better ranked it will become. The higher the ranking, the more visitors will find your site. And that will almost certainly lead to site interaction, like comments, feedback and ultimately sales and conversions.  When people ask me how do I build my online business then this is most certainly the best method.

How Regular Should I Post Content?

Having been involved in this business for a number of years now, I can honestly say that there is no right or wrong answer to this question, but what I will say is that posting content regularly maybe 2-3 times a week will get you ranking and subsequently traffic fairly quickly, that’s only of course if you are targeting good keywords.  My advice is to aim for 1000 words, but if it’s less than 1000 don’t worry – it doesn’t really matter, do not take this literally.  If you write 998 words, don’t go out and find 2 extra words, if you try and ‘plug in the gaps’ its like ‘Meat Loaf Marketing’ right?  Imagine making a Meat Loaf and just stuffing in the meat to make it bigger – try to avoid this when writing content.  If you try to stuff content in there to meet your 1000 word target, it’s probably not going to make much sense.  Write naturally and get straight to the point.

Is There Is Recommended Amount Of Words I should Write In My Page Or Post?

In a word – No.  The rule in writing content is make it relevant to the subject.  Google will still rank you even if you write 300 words or even less.  But I think 1000 words is great number of words to have in your content, as typically 1000 words equates to 5 minutes reading time.

Write Your Content With INTENT And Make It RELEVENT

When you write content for your page or post, it must be relevant and with the targeted keyword in mind, it should be relating to the title of the subject you are writing about.  Jaaxy is a great place to search for great keywords.  There is no point in writing something that does make sense and not related to the subject you are writing about.  It is very easy to wander off the main subject when writing content, the trick is to always keep your audience engaged right?

What is the ‘intent‘ of your content?

During writing this content my aim is to get my point across to you, the reader.  I want you to learn something about how and how not to write content, and also give you an insight into Wealthy Affiliate, where you can learn all of these great skills in order to build your online business from the ground up.

Final Thoughts

Content writing and doing it correctly is essential if you want your content to rank in google.  As I have discussed, if you follow the rules above you will be successful.  Write content that is engaging, captivating and interesting will help your visitors and provide them with useful information.  That should always be your aim – write for your visitor, do not lose sight of that, there is someone, another human on the other side of keyboard looking for answers to questions and information they want to find out about.  Make sure you provide them with this information and aim to help people and your business will surely thrive.

It would be great to know your thoughts on my post and would be grateful if you leave a comment below.  Thanks for reading!


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