How Can I Make Extra Money At Home – Wealthy Affiliate Review 2020

As most of the population are now stuck at home at these difficult times, you will probably be asking yourself ‘How Can I Make Extra Money At Home’ ?

Well, there is a solution, and this solution is the best platform on the Internet that focuses around building your very own Online Business.  An online business that will tranform your life.  You will become your own boss working from home.  There are basically 4 simple steps that you can follow that will enable you to acheive financial freedom – with0ut employers breathing down your neck.

Sounds good right?

In my review you will discover the many features of this great program, the best out there on the Internet.  Never before has there been such a great time to start your very own online business .  The world is ever changing, top high street stores are closing down, more and more people are turning to the Internet to buy things.

There are 4 simple steps involved with earning money from your hobby or interest:

  1. Indentify your passion or ‘niche’
  2. Write an article or blog relating to your niche
  3. Attract an audience (Vistitors) to your blog
  4. Make your blog ‘Revenue Ready’ (Moneytize it)

4 ways to make money online


So, read on and learn about this business, this could indeed be the start of something great.



Wealthy Affiliate is for anyone wanting to know how to make real money online using a tried and tested model. Whether as a beginner or expert, there’s a package to fit into everyone’s need. Most of their services are ‘done-for-you’ and so you don’t have to know any form of coding whatsoever to be set up for success right off the bat.

Building a successful online business takes hard work and dedication, and you also need to have the correct mindset, but unlike a boring 9-5 job, Wealthy Affiliate helps you automate almost every process of the way to ensure you’re still making income every minute of the day.

If you have read up this point, it means that you are serious about this. And I want you to be. This could change your life!


The moment you log into the Wealthy Affiliate website, you’re introduced to a neat dashboard which provides you with the latest top 10 posts, quick access to Training materials, your websites, research and more. Members can also communicate with other WA members through live Chat, blogs & discussion.

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Wealthy Affiliate has two membership plans- starter and Premium. Definitely, they both vary in the features offered and I’ve got them compared below:

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What Is Included with The STARTER Membership


  • GREAT For: – Those new to internet marketing
  • Live Help (first 7 days)
  • 1 Websites
  • Website Backup
  • Beginner Training Course
  • Affiliate Program (Earn While You Learn)
  • 1 on 1 Coaching for the first 7 days

While it is possible to remain a free member with the starter membership and earn commissions in the process, the starter membership is really aimed for people who are completely new to Internet Marketing and want to try it out to see if it’s for them.

With the starter membership you can slowly be introduced to Wealthy Affiliate to see if the platform is for you, and if you want to make a real good go of it, then I strongly recommended upgrading to Premium.

What Is Included with The PREMIUM Membership


  • COST  $19 for the first month (if you take advantage of the discount during the first 7 days of joining) then $49 per month
  • $495 per year (basically a 2 month discount)
  • GREAT for:- Those who are serious about becoming successful in this business
  • UNLIMITED live help
  • One free website that includes a free .com Domain name!
  • 100 Comunity Credits
  • Beginner Training Course
  • LIVE Video Classes (Weekly)
  • 12 Training Classrooms
  • Affiliate Program (Earn While You Learn)
  • Private access to the owners
  • Website Support
  • 1 on 1 Coaching (Unlimited)


Wealthy Affiliate Is Constantly Evolving

If you are ready to earn, then Premium is the way to go. With the Premium plan, you’re given access to tools needed to earn a FULL-TIME income from your business. This is truly the best time to be involved in the affiliate marketing business, there are many new exciting features around the corner here at Wealthy Affiliate, and only a Premium Member can take full advantage of this. See below a recent snippet from the owner, Kyle:-



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So, there you have it, these are exciting times for WA Premium members, and if you want to be a part of this, then take advantage today!



The biggest and most important feature in the WA platform is the training section. Wealthy Affiliate prides itself of the quality of the training provided, and when you follow the training section from start to finish and take action on what you have learned, you can expect to start earning money.

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To access the Training section, simply click on ‘Training’. You will be then presented with the available courses and classrooms.

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Online Entrepreneur Certification (5 Courses & 50 Lessons)

This course is intended for those who wish to build a website around a passion or interest, in other words if you want to earn an income within your own niche.

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The Online Entrepreneur Certification course will take guide you step by step from deciding your niche, building your amazing profit ready website, and then learning how you can attract tons of traffic to your site. This is where the magic happens because Traffic = REVENUE $$$

As you continue your journey through this course, you will learn that you promote your niche from various well-known revenue sources, such as:-

  • Amazon
  • eBay
  • YouTube
  • Etsy
  • Shopify
  • WA (Wealthy Affiliate)

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Affiliate Bootcamp (7 Courses & 70 Lessons)

The Affiliate Bootcamp is a course designed for those who wish to promote WA and earn commission in the process – earn whilst you learn!

Again, a lot of the elements in this course are also found in the Entrepreneur Certification course but this course is best followed after you have completed the Entrepreneur Certification course.




Both the Entrepreneur Certification and the Bootcamp courses are designed to be followed in a sequence. Skipping any sections would only mean you’ll have a lot more to catch up on.

Once you have successfully followed either or both of these courses from start to finish in the correct order then should be in a position to understand affiliate marketing more as a whole which will also make you quicker at producing content rich, traffic producing websites, thus earning revenue.




Under the Training menu you will also find the Training HQ section. In here you will find:

  1. Various classroom training produced by members of WA
  2. Events

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You can also filter the training content by category, i.e

  • WordPress
  • Websites
  • Writing Content
  • SEO
  • Ranking in Google
  • Creating Images
  • Hosting
  • Domains


The training provided by WA is cutting-edge and pioneers a lot of trends in the Affiliate marketing community. Both courses are often updated as the Wealthy Affiliate evolves and they’re designed in an easy-to-follow step by step style which makes it fun and allows you to go through them at YOUR own pace.


As mentioned earlier in this article, it is VITAL that you follow any Training from start to finish, only then will you find more likelihood to run a successful business.


In this section this is where you can access the following: –

  • Site Manager
  • Site Builder
  • Site Domains
  • Site Content
  • Site Feedback
  • Site Comments
  • Site Email
  • Site Support

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Here in Site Manager, this is the main place you would go to access your website once it has been built via ‘Site Builder’.

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You can login to your website, view any comments & feedback that have been made, and also access the Details section.

Within this section you will find your login username & password for your website and also for the FTP service. With every site you host within WA, you will have access to SitePlus+



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SitePlus+ is a cool feature exclusive to WA Premium Members, you can improve your SiteSpeed, enable SiteSSL (HTTPS) – this is website encryption which is the same technology that banks and other big organizations use to protect their site from hackers etc. SiteProtect is also included, this blocks SPAM.

You can also view your site speed statistics for various pages on your site too.


This is where the magic happens. This is where you can build your website.

You can either: –

  • Build a website using a free domain (
  • Use your FREE .COM Domain
  • or a domain you already own (
  • Register a new Domain

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While it is possible to build a successful revenue, ready website using a domain, it’s always recommended to use your own domain. Within WA, you can search for and register your Domain under one roof. There is no need to register your domain with any other host. This is what makes the Wealthy Affiliate platform unique and sets it apart from everyone else.


Site Domains is where you view all of your domains you have registered at WA.

In here you will have access to your hosting settings, domain contact & privacy. Re-direct, name servers, transfer domain and also FTP Access.

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  • Transfer Domains into WA

You can also transfer any existing Domains that you have hosted elsewhere into WA, thus taking advantage of the benefits that go with hosting your Domain within WA. As with all hosting, this process can take a few days to complete.

It’s also possible to point other Domains that are hosted elsewhere to WA, by updating your existing Domains DNS with the following name servers: & .

This will allow you to host your website in WA but not your actual Domain, as this will remain with your original host. A good example as when you would do this is if you have a domain extension that is currently not supported with WA Hosting, such as a or for example.

This means you can still enjoy the full benefit of hosting your website with WA. As always, there is no shortage of support here in WA, if you need any help with the above, fellow members are always on hand to help, there are tons of articles that fellow members have written about transferring Domains etc, and also Site Support offer an excellent prompt service too.


Site Feedback is a great tool where you can REQUEST feedback on your own website(s) and also OFFER feedback on fellow WA member websites(s).


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When you request feedback, other WA members can select your site, leave you comments about your site and they earn credits in the process, and vise-versa. When you Offer Feedback, you will also earn credits. It’s important that when you do offer feedback you include as much detail as possible, as the person whose website you are writing about can decline your comments.


Site Comments differ from Site Feedback, because Site Comments are actually comments that visitors or in this case fellow WA members add to an existing page or post on your website.

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Again, credits can be earned and any comments can be declined. Site Comments is great because any comments that are approved and added to your site, these are also ranked in Google, thus increasing your audience reach.


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Site Content is a great way to keep yourself motivated when writing your articles.

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You can set:-

  • Template Goals
  • Word Count Goals
  • Published Articles Goals

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Within Site Content, you will have access to several pre-made page templates, designed to help you speed up the website building process. All of these templates are a requirement for EVERY site you build.

These include:-

  • Affiliate Disclosure
  • About Me
  • Keyword rich content page
  • Privacy Policy

See an example of the Affiliate Disclosure below. All you need to do is replace with your own URL or Website Address and click Publish. When you publish a post or page. Site Content links directly with WordPress and publishes your site. You do not have to use Site Content, you can just write your content directly into WordPress, but it’s recommended that you do use Site Content, as it keeps you focused, you can set goals and keep your content organized.


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Any content you add can be formatted, you can add h1, h2 & h3 tags, Bold, Italic, Underline etc. You can also check and auto correct your grammar & spelling.


Another great feature of Site Content, is that you either import your own images from your computer or search the vast database of images from the Internet to use. All of these images are not copyrighted, which means they are free to use, and you don’t need to search through Google, thus avoiding any copyright infringements.

See below example screenshot of me searching for a robotic lawn mower:


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I can then choose my image and insert it into my content:

And….Boom! There it is! Brilliant!


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Every great Platform must include great support – and Wealthy Affiliate is no exception. Every member including myself, at some point will have requested help via Site Support.

You may need help on various things, like being unable to access your website, speed issues. plug ins etc.

When you ask for help in Site Support, you are automatically offered post suggestions, based on your question:


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If you cannot see a possible suggested solution, click the X and finish typing your query. Then click ‘Ask Question’. Site Support is available 24/7 and typically it only takes a few minutes to get a response – amazing!


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There is no other Internet Marketing Platform anywhere else online, that includes so much for your buck. Welcome to Live Events. Live Events is only available to Premium Members and are broadcast live at the end of every week, usually on a Saturday. Topics covered, are of course related to the WA Platform & Internet Marketing in general. Topics can range from how to rank content effectively, improving your reach to your audience and many, many more.

If you miss a live event – Don’t worry!

You can even search for past events, and there is a neat calendar view so you can see what days these run at a glance.


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Every single Webinar is recorded, which means you can access them at any time from within the Live Events section. Any future events you can subscribe for, and near the time of the event commencing, you will receive an email reminder – great huh?


Almost every Live Event is run by a lovely Canadian guy called Jay, He is the Training Chief at Wealthy Affiliate.



When you join a live webinar, you can access the live chat interface and send messages to Jay, normally after the Webinar has completed when he asks for any questions. Jay is very knowledgeable in all things related to Internet Marketing and will happily answer any questions you have. You can also link directly to Jay within the WA platform here.


The all new research section is where you go to research your niche, from keywords, Available Affiliate Programs, Niche Keyword Lists etc.

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All the above features are part of the Jaaxy system, which is the main system used by WA members to search for keywords and general other niche research. Initially, WA members only have access to Jaaxy Lite, so if you want to take full advantage of Jaaxy you will need upgrade to the Pro version. However, Jaaxy Lite is perfect if you are just starting out.






To find out more about what Jaxxy has to offer, you can read more about it here


When you are in desperate need for help, or if you just want to chat and / or help others, then head over to Live Chat.


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Live Chat is great for just hanging out discussing all things Internet Marketing related, and in true pay-it-forward fashion, helping other WA members. We are all at different abilities and there is always someone who is more knowledgeable in specific areas. The owners Kyle & Carson regularly chime in from time to time to help out as well.



The Help Centre is where you can go to access all sections of help including:-

  • Site Support
  • Live Chat
  • Ask a Question
  • Private Message

Most of these I have already covered earlier in this article.

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PRODUCT NAME: Wealthy Affiliate

Overall Ranking: 9/10

Price: FREE starter membership, PREMIUM member $19 for first month, then $49 per month afterwards.

Owners: Kyle & Carson


Well there you have it – I hope you have enjoyed reading through my review as much as I have enjoyed writing it.  I know there are many Scams online – but if you want to make extra money after retirement then Wealthy Affiliate is NOT a scam and is 100% legit.  There are no up-sells – once you go Premium you will have access to everything that the program has to offer.

To see how much WA has evolved, check out my old review here.

I would be very grateful if you could leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts, and feel free to contact me from within WA should you need any help or if you have any questions.


Here are what some successful members are saying about Wealthy Affiliate:


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Chris Farrell Membership Review


PRODUCT NAME: Chris Farrell Membership

Overall Ranking: 7/10

Price: $4.95 for 7 days then $37 per month OR $297 per year (saving of up to 33%)

Owner: Chris Farrell




  • Aimed for beginners, video tuition through every stage, Chris explains everything clearly and is very easy to understand.


  • Will need to purchase additional software and services as your business progresses, or ‘outsource’ in some areas.



Chris Farrell Membership is primarily aimed for people who are new to internet marketing rather than to experienced marketers.  The approach to the training is such that Chris targets people who are new to Internet Marketing, and provides methods and skills that are essential to making an online business a success.  This programme is suitable for people who prefer to follow video tutorials, and those who are struggling to make money online a success.


Chris Farrell is respected world wide for his knowledge and expertise in teaching people the fundamental methods of starting and running an online business.  Chris first started out in online marketing back in 2008 and had no previous experience in online marketing at all.  In fact, within 6 months Chris was earning an impressive $250 per day.  After 9 months, this figure had increased to $1,000 a day.  Then, in August 2010 Chris made a staggering $1,000,000 in 24 hours.

Realising the possibilities here and that he could help anyone achieve success, he set out to create an easy to follow program known as ‘CFM’ (Chris Farrell Membership).  His aim was to simple – to explain in simplified terms how to start and run an online business, in a visual way.  Chris has succeeded very well at this and continues to add new ideas to his teaching. Chris is originally from London in the UK – he now lives in Beverly Hills, California.


Chris provides video tutorials that will guide you through step by step, covering just about any topic and this varies from how to create your first website, setting up the auto-responder email system, having the correct ‘mind-set’, to driving traffic and social media traffic, and many more techniques that are designed to help you.


  • Free Unlimited Hosting – This is worth the membership alone, unlimited hosting means that if you have a website (your own domain), rather than be hosted at your website provider your Domain can be hosted from within Chris Farrell Membership and the service he provides. This cuts out the ‘middle man’ and the extra cost associated with hosting your own domain.  This is a good feature.
  • Step by step guide on how to build a website – Those of you are not tech savy need not worry because Chris provides a ‘step by step’ guide to ‘walk’ you through, basically take you by the hand and show you how to create a website, and it is not that difficult to master.
  • Done for you website – Once you decide what your ‘Niche’ will be, there are many different website designs and templates available that you can choose. Chris Farrell Membership will provide a download link and a simple guide on how to implement your chosen template and hey presto! –  Your own website you shall have.


There is a very good support team at Chris Farrell Membership, who are very prompt and can also offer help directly rather than via the support forum.


Chris Farrell Membership is a fantastic coach and a great guy.  His course is very well put together, it is a visual guide and is aimed specifically for novices in Internet Marketing.  This is all very well, but to really succeed in Internet Marketing in the long run, you need to follow a more comprehensive program, that is why my first choice is Wealthy Affiliate.





Empower Network Review

PRODUCT NAME: Empower Network 
Overall Ranking:2/10 

Price: $25 per month and many up-sells

Owner: David Wood & David Sharpe


First of all, I have written this review to provide an honest opinion of Empower Network and I must stress that there are no affiliate links in this article, and I do not earn any money from this review.

Empower Network is an online money making network that claims allows  their members to earn money without experiencing the common issues that prevent most people working from home achieving success. They provide internet marketing training, product information and specific digital services like a blogging type platform called Blog Beast. This is an affiliate platform that pays members a commission, when they sell this product.



  • None that I can see


  • Many up sells
  • Costs a lot of money to access all of the training, 5k in fact!
  • You don’t actually end up owning your own business
  • Get tied up to the Empower Network domain (which is now recognised as SPAM in many search engines!)
  • No Live Training



Empower Network is aimed for people who want to earn an online income, just like any other Internet Marketing site.  If you have a spare $5 to purchase all of the training material and tools then go for it, but don’t expect much back in return.


e-wallet ($19.99 per month) – Before you can get paid, you will need to pay for their payment processor.  This is completley unheard of and the only reason that they do this at Empower Network is because they are boarding on what is legal vs what is illegal.  In reality there is no way any company would ever get approved by a reputable credit card processing company. Paypal and other Credit Card companies would never allow payments to a company like Empower because they see it as illegal and do not trust it.


Inner Circle ($100 per month ) – Not really what i would call an ‘inner circle’.  This is just a fancy name, and apart from giving you access to some audios within the ‘Inner Circle’, being a part of this program allows you to get paid much higher commissions ($100 residuals income).  Once again, you are not paying for an actual legitimate product, you are paying into the promotion of a product that does not really exist.


Costa Rica Intensive ($500 one time payment) – These are videos that focus on building up this business …a business that revolves around promoting the Empower Network to others people.  Essentially you are promoting the same product to others.


The $15K Formula ($1,000 one time payment) – Yet another video series or compilation that includes 9 videos, each of these videos are a couple of hours long.  These videos cover a many topics which outline how to promote Empower network online.  An example of this is using Facebook or Youtube, however i must make it clear that Empower Network can no longer be promoted via this way. This should be a warning for you, Empower has been banned completely from Facebook and Youtube!!!  This throws the credibility of Empower Network in major doubt.


The Masters Retreat ($3,500 one time payment) – This is a compilation of 41 videos (mainly motivational) that have been recorded at the Empower Network masters retreat.  Spending $3,500 on motivational videos seems absolutely absurd considering that the vast majority of information has very much or little to do with creating your own online business and more to do with motivation.  This is one of the most expensive up-selling Internet Marketing Platforms out there.


If you are looking for personal help & support, then Empower Network does not provide that.  There is training & support offered, only if you purchase the ‘Inner Circle’ option as mentioned above, for $100 per month. And most of the ‘Training Resources’ are videos.  Basically, personal support is non-existent.



This is NOT a product.  You do not own anything, and you will certainly not own your own business.  This is a pyramid type program, has many upsells and would end up costing you a lot of money long term.  You do not really get anything or any benefit for the $25 membership, apart from an introductory Blah Blah, no training and very little support.  This program should be avoided at all costs.  Anyway, so is Empower Network legit?

No…This is a …



What is Jaaxy and what can it do?



Jaaxy is an Internet keyword Research Program and without doubt the best SEO keyword research tool online.  Basically, whenever you type a sequence of words into Google search, i.e. you enter a phrase into Google that you want to search for, this is known as a keyword, for example ‘buy a computer’ and ‘find a cheap holiday’ are both examples of keywords.  Every second of every day, someone somewhere is searching for something in google, and the results that you get in the search results are determined from what you are searching for.

When you search for a keyword, Google searches the Internet and gives you a list of pages, relating to that keyword.  For example, if I enter ‘Wealthy Affiliate Review’, Google will provide a list of results, based on that exact keyword – see below:

Now, you will notice there are many pages with results, but on the first page includes the websites which are the highest ranked that include the keyword ‘Wealthy Affiliate Review’.  These are the highest ranked pages, and therefore sit at the first page of that keyword search.



The first and most important aspect of any web page, is good content.  Without good quality content, it does not matter how many competitive keywords you have in your website, your website will not be ranked very high at all.  Once you have good content, and I encourage you to write naturally, you can then look at keywords more closely, and this is where Jaaxy shows its power.

By utilising Jaaxy, you can target and beat the competition.  Whatever your interest or niche, you should have in mind a keyword you want to base your niche website on.

Example below of a recent search term for a client I built a website for:

If I was to enter a search term ‘hypnotherapy in newcastle’ into Jaaxy, I get the results below: –

You will see that a number of related keywords have appeared, including the actual keyword I have entered.  For a keyword to be competitive, it needs to fit a certain criteria:-

AVG:- The average searches this keyword is searched for each month (higher the better)

TRAFFIC:- The number of visits to your website each month, if you achieve first page rankings

QSR (Quoted Search Results):- The number of competing websites ranked in Google for this keyword

KQI (Keyword Quality Indicator):- Green is great, Yellow is ok, Red is poor.  In short, do not use a keyword if the KQI is Red.

SEO:- SEO Score.  The higher number, the more chance you will have ranking on the first page of Google.

Example of a BAD Keyword

You will see from the search results, the keyword the search has produced ‘hypnotherapy newcastle’.  This is NOT a good keyword even though it has a ‘Great’ KQI score.  This is not a good keyword as the keyword itself is not something someone would enter into a Google search.

Example of a GOOD keyword

I have chosen ‘Hypnotherapy in newcastle‘ as my keyword. The amount of searches per month look good, traffic will probably improve, there are very low amount of competing websites (QSR), anything under 200 is good, the lower the better, and KQI is Great, with a very high SEO, in the 90s.

So, with this keyword, I was able to optimize the content efficiently.  This is a very new site, but after I add good content, it should rank quite high in Google.  See Jaaxy at work now by entering a keyword below:-



Main points to consider: –

  • Write good, quality content and write naturally
  • Avoid searching for and including keywords that are too broad
  • Add regular content to your website

If you stick to this process, you should find Jaaxy very useful, and your website ranking should improve.  Good luck !

Try Jaaxy today!